We went to Perth on 2nd May @ 0000 hrs (kalau tak silap). Nsb baik travel mlm at least Iman mmg tido lah all the way to Perth. Arrived @ Perth International Airport dlm 0530 hrs gak lah.. Went thru the immigration and custom smoothly.. walaupun kena rampas tuna mayonis cap ayam yg dibawa dari KL kononnya nak buat breakfast pagi tu.. terlupa plak.. yg mmg tak boleh bawa masuk pape dairy product or pape yg berkaitan ngan animal2 product ni to Oz.. Nsb baik Enfagrow Iman tak kena rampas.. hehe berguna gak baca2 blog ni.. walaupun ada je yg kena rampas dairy product eventhough dah declare dlm form. Yang paling suspen sekali masa scan bag yg kiteorg letak pampers iman untuk stock seminggu.. Tak tahulah mcmana rupenye bila scan bag tu.. glow2 kot.. Smpi custom officer tu siap tanya kiteorg lagi betul ke kiteorg yg pack bag tu.. kiteorg tau tak ape barang yg contain dlm bag tu.. mula2 cuak gak lah me n hubby. Sbb mmg kiteorg tau ape dlm bag , pampers iman utk seminggu.. bila buka je bag mmg confirm pampers.. Hehehe.. custom officer tu baik sebenarnye.. dia just bg tau kiteorg that is the normal procedure if diaorg nmpk benda2 yg pelik while scanning all the bags.
After went thru the custom, then kiteorg decided to take taxi nak pergi to our apartment kat Fremantle. Cuaca masa kat luar airport, mak ai .. bley tahan sejuk nya. Mengigil iman bila keluar dari aiport to taxi. The journey to our apartment took us around 45 minutes rasanya.. sepi je pagi tu almaklumlah kiteorg smpi hari sabtu.
Smpi je our apartment around 0715 hrs. Tuan rumah, Tracey& Craig mmg tengah tunggu kiteorg. Both of them mmg lovely. They ask us to use all bahan2 yg ada kat dapur. They even provided us with fresh milk and some cookies.. Then they just leave us once they give us the keys. Overall, the apartment was fantastic.. actually mcm studio je rumah yg kiteorg sewa.. but quite big jugak lah... semua nya ada.. :)
After letak all the barang2 then hubby decided pergi Fremantle market to find some food and breakfast.. Maklumlah.. smpi pun pagi.. and mmg tak de benda makan pape pun kat umah. Actually from our house to the fremantle market mmg dekat sangat.. walking distance gak lah..
We had tuna sandwich and crossaint for our breakfast @ capuccino street.. tmpt famous gak kat fremantle ni.. then tour around the fremantle market and grab some buah-buahan sikit and some roti utk stock kat rumah. Sempat lah jugak pusing2 kat area2 Fremantle ni. After pusing2 kiteorg decided balik ke umah. Pengsan gak kejap kat rumah smpi petang. :)
Then petang tu kiteorg decided to do some groceries shopping utk stock makanan seminggu. Luckly, Tracey left us with a map that shows us the location of the supermarket that we can do food hunting. Hehehhe.
We went to Woolworth aka mcm coldstorage lah jugak.. Beli lah barang2 utk dimasak.. Telur kat sini quite expensive.. hukhuk around AUS3 utk 12 biji... sbb tak ada daging halal kat sini..so just beli lah telur.. then cari frozen fish, squid and a few barang2 yg bley di masak kat rumah.. Lepas je tu terus menapak balik ke rumah. Huhuhu rumah kiteorg sewa ni consider atas bukit.. so mmg penat giler nak balik ke umah. Tak lah jauh mane pun dari bandar Fremantle ke umah kiteorg.. tp nak mendaki bukit tu.. mak aii.. mmg tido awal kiteorg mlm tu sbb kepenatan.. :)
To Allah We Belong......
10 years ago