Part 1
Today i hav a bad day la... wake up in the morning hoping that the running nose and sore throat will go away.. unfortunetly its getting a bit worse than yesterday. Couldnt do much in the office rite now due to the headache which is also part of the running nose and sore throat package.. hikhik..
My team leader keep asking me when is my report will he send to his desk la kan.. tp tu la.. i tot of doing the report for the whole day tp dah nak wat macam with current situation im facing rite now.. mmg hopeless la gak.. I know dat i need to complete the report by this month if not i am not sure if it's going to affect my PPA dis year!! gosh! Well i will try my best to complete the trap and seal chapter by today.. at least.. n preparing the figures by tomorrow maybe?
My baby keep on kicking my stomach since 1148 hsr till now.. hehe .. most probably he's hungry kot or he's not satisfied the way i sit in the office ni la kot.. hahah i've been bersila on my chair dari tadi bcoz rasenye dat's the most comfortable position la kan yg i think.. :) Sorry baby ibu wont sit mcm tu lagi.. hehe kesian plak maybe lack of space for him kot bile i dok bersila kat opis ni.. :)
This week i dah plan to jot down all the baby's movement for every day.. dis is to make sure that i know how many movement that my baby do everyday... heheh so senang lah nanti if dr tanye .. baby ada gerak2 tak? berapa kali gerak? hehehe.. to make my life easier la gak kan
Just came back from solat zuhur. Heheh.. terlupe nak hbskan the cerite tadi .. terus je g lunch. Lunch kat La Cucur makan soto ayam + teh tarik.. cost me RM8.30 for the meal. Huhuhuh.. eventhou i knew the price of the food is totally xpensive than Central.. tp no other choice la..sik larat kamek jalan g central bah... perut ku ini semakin membesar.. membesar is not a problem its just that i think when the baby is awake.. mmg rasa sgt pressure nye kat my perut.. but kalau pagi2 tu jalan frm the lrt to twin tower perghh tak rasa pape pun.. hahah maybe budak kecik dlm perut ni dok xplore2 dlm perut ku ini kot.. hikhik..
I will always pray to Allah that budak kecik dlm perut ku ini akan sentiasa sehat dan selamat dilahirkan ke dunia ni.. :)
Oklah.. bersemangat ni nak hbs kan my report at least one chapter by today.. hikhik...
Btw.. hari ni masuk dua minggu my xperiment to see if Malaysian still "berbudi bahasa" to pregnant lady in lrt. Hikhikhi...
To Allah We Belong......
10 years ago
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