Sunday, December 28, 2008

Selamat Tahun Baru

Akhirnya.. we have our own internet connection.. hehhe .. Dah almost 2 years we were using the free wireless kat rumah ni.. hehhe.. kalau ada line.. mmg bernasib baik.. Ingat lagi masa Iman dalam perut and i was still in the exploration team and we were drilling a well at that time .. bernasib baik lah the free internet connection was ok.. sepanjang2 masa drilling.. so me just monitor the well thru RTO je kat rumah. huhuh. Almaklumlah masa tu Iman dalam perut dah almost 8 months rasanya..

Rasanya tak terlewat dah wish my brother in law.. selamat bertunang.. :)
Sorry tak dapat balik kampung ya..

So, seronoks betul cuti2 kat rumah ni. ehhe.. Last Thursday, we went to KLIA. Parked our car at Putrajaya station and took the ERL to KLIA. The plan was to bawa Iman naik the ERL and showed him the aeroplane lah kan... Sampai je KLIA.. bawa si Iman tu Anjung Tinjau.. unfortunetly tak banyak plak plane yg landing.. Consider wrong timing jugak lah kan.. We had our lunch at McD.. Damned so expensive ok McD kat situ.. eventhou mmg dah budget pun mahal.. Otw balik ke sts putrajaya .. tak sangka plak terjumpe our gud fren yg keje kat miri.. Sha.. mmg tak budget langsung jumpa sha ni..

Ok, that was on Thursday... while on Friday plak.. mmg tak pergi kemana2 pun.. just stay at home and at last.. we have our own jam dinding! I know this sound ridiculous but thanks for my lovely hubby yg tolong drilled dinding and letak jam tu kat living hall, our room and iman's room. hehhe luv ya so much !!

Hari sabtu pun tak pergi mana2... except we went to the Mines naik motor Fame. Heheh..After magrib je terus g naik motor ngan Iman sekali.. hhehe Saje bawa Iman jejalan menikmati permandangan malam kat area rumah ni.. Sampai rumah pun almost 10pm, after we had the teh tarik and makan roti boom kat kedai mamak nearby our house..
Balik je terus pengsan si Iman.. and the next day nye .. (which is today lah kan) bangun lambat.. hehe almost 0830 hrs baru bangun si Iman.. cian anak ibu..

Today, we went to Ikea.. Jalan2 ... Smpi usha2 barang2 utk rumah.. hehhe.. Lama jugak kat Ikea tadi.. smbil melayan Iman lah jugak.. :)
Oklah.. dah penat ni.. ngan kaki2 sakit akibat berjalan2 tadi.. just wanna wish everybody selamat tahun baru!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am Sick

Wah.. it has been ages tak update the latest cerita kat sini. Btw i think it's not too late to wish selamat hari raya to everyone. raya sebulan kan.. Talking about raya ni, this year raya tak happening langsung. Hubby and my son were sick during hari raya .. actually a day before hari raya both of them were sick already. My hubby had a neck injury while my son was having a fever + vomiting + diarrhoea untill 4th of raya. And the best part is.. after both of them recovering from their sick.. i was then fallen sick. Huhu.. mmg tak raya lah this year. We spent one week in kampung but not going anywhere .. hukhuk.. Ok..that is hari raya punya cerita..:)

Now, this week nya cerita plak.. :) Me and hubby jatuh sakit kembali.. hukhuk. since last monday till now. Dengan demamnya.. sakit tekak yg teramat sangat when coughing + selsema.. complete lah all the penyakit.. Dah both of us terbongkang kat umah.. luckly iman was not affected with the penyakit.. cuma selsema je .. Hopefully both of us are getting better tommorow.

Just wanna inform that one of my colleague Siti Aishah Osman has lost her beloved daughter last monday, if i am not mistaken.. May her soul rest in peace.. Al-Fatihah...

Monday, September 29, 2008


Tinggal lagi sehari je sebelum bulan Syawal tiba. Sempena bulan baik ni.. i would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Sebagai seorang insan di muka bumi Allah ni , sesungguhnya diri ini tidak akan lari dari melakukan kesilapan kerana sesungguhnya diri ini bukan lah sempurna. Sorry because lame sungguh tidak mengupdate blog ni sbb terlalu banyak sangat committment yg perlu dilunaskan dahulu di opis. huhuhu..
Actually, banyak cerita yg nak dikongsikan.. yer lah.. sblm puasa dulu ada fieldtrip to Redang.... sebelum trip to Redang ada trip to JB sempena majlis konvokesyen my brother in law.. .. ape lagi ek... hermm mcm2 jugak lah ...
Maybe one day i will share my experienced ms pegi Redang hari tu.. :)
Oklah cant talk much.. so, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.. yg memandu tu Berhati2 di jalan raya.. ingatlah org yg tersayang.. :)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Positive attitude

Terfikir sekejap is it fair to judge someone based on their appearance? Or by the person action you thought that you can know if the person is good or not? Hermm..entah lah.. adakah kita berhak untuk mengatakan sesorang itu adalah tidak baik walaupun kita tidak mengenali dirinya dengan lebih detail? Or adakah walaupun kita mengenali that person bertahun2 we assume that we really know this person? Hermm semuanya subjective kan. We assume that when the person we call best friends, meaning that she/he should understand us better ... or we should understand them better.. Unfortunately, sometime this theory is not practical at all. Hermm..

Another questions appeared again in my head, should we treat other ppl nice or should we just keep our distance from them? Put a barrier in front of us with a NO ENTRY sign so that ppl know that we are not interested to become their friend. Huhuhu.. Is it a healthy way of living? Well maybe not..

I am a bit frustrated right now... hehehe.. trying hard not to get this feeling distract my attention today. But .. me as a human being ..of course cant run away from it. I feel so guilty that when in this kinda situation, i started to think that maybe i'm not good enough to become a good person. Or maybe i am so baik hati and try to show that i care for others? Is good to become caring and concern person? Or i'm the one that's so perasan that i am concern towards other ppl while other ppl is not thinking the same wavelength as me. Aiya..susah lah plak if jadi perasan ni..hehhe

Sometime i feel so tired... tired of being such a "tak da perasaan"person. Tired of thinking positive towards all the obstacles that i am facing rite now..just wanna be orang biasa and luckily i have my family with me so that i can transfer all of the sadness energy to my little Iman. hehe.. Lagi best kan.. hahahha.. cheerss..

Saturday, August 02, 2008

My Little Car

Today nak cerita pasal my little car. My beloved kelisa has been with me since 2005 till now. This kelisa is my 1st car lah..Hehe.. Bought this car rite after i recieved a letter of transfer from HR to Miri, Sarawak in 2005. Jauh dah perjalanan my kelisa ni. Bayangkan dah sampai Miri, Sarawak ok. Bought this is kelisa in KL and sent to Miri by cargo. Without this kelisa..mmg patah kaki jugak lah kat Miri dulu. :)

Trip to KK with all SKO frens in 2005 pun using this car. Jauh tu jalan .. Dari Miri ke Kota Kinabalu...Sabah. The journey to KK is almost 8 hours jugaklah from Miri. Kelisa ni jugak dah banyak kali masuk Brunei. Tak terkira berapa kali dah g Brunei sepanjang setahun dok kat Miri.

So skrg ni dah 3 tahun dah keta ni with me. Sekarang ni dah jadi second car dah. Eventhough dah jadi second ..berperanan penting oo.. Yer lah .. pagi2 nak hantar Little Iman to rumah Ibu Zura. Heheh.. Sayang gak lah kat kelisa ni.. almaklumlah ..dengan herga minyak yg tinggi ni.. mmg rasanya most of ppl kalau bley nak guna je keta kecik kan.

One of my dreams is to serahkan this car to Iman.. one day.. hhahha... if the car still good in condition. Ahaks..

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Second day at home

ok.. today is the second day me at home. try to relax myself.. and to have a good rest. Hoping everything is ok tommorrow. My activity for today? Hermm.. i sent the little iman to Kak Zura's house around 8.30am. Breakfast n mandikan iman dulu then baru anta to kak zura's house. I didnt plan to stay with Iman today because takut if tak terlayan him. Still can feel the cramp n pain sekejap2.
I have been browsing thru the internet on how to mencantikkan my blog ni. hahhaa.. yer lah mana ada masa to mengupgradekannye kan. Ni consider luckylah dpt stay at home without Iman around. So, time ni lah nak godek2 to find out about this thing kan.. heheh..ada lah amik ilham dari blog kengkawan yg lain. hehhe as a guide lah kan

Thinking of masak today. Teringin sgt nak masak ketam masak lemak cilipadi.. Unfortunately.. ketam tarak dlm fridge.. yg ada cuma sotong jer.. but aisey..santan n cilipadi plak tarak. Hermm.. malas nak g jejalan lagi hari ni sbnrnye. Yesterday pun g the Mines sbb lapo bebenor tgh hari. Nak masak tp tak larat, so just started the car n vromm towards the Mines..Tp terlupalah plak nak beli santan n cilipadi smlm.. huhuh.. ada gaya kena kuar g mini market kat depan nanti kot.. heheh

Tp mcm malas plak nak kuar beli barang2 tu.. hemm. masak ape yg ada lah dalam fridge tu... oklah.. let me post a few pics of iman irfan... gambar ni kat alamanda putrajaya. Susah dah sekarang ni nak amik gmbar iman ni.. tak leh duduk diam.. asyik lari2 je.. tak leh dok diam
Baju oshkosh ni aunty Tuty yg belikan masa aunty Tuty g philipines ari tu.. Tq yer aunty tuty :)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I was just browsing thru my email at home when i noticed one email from Mimi, XPG's secreatary. the title of the email makes me quickly click to the email to find out the news.
quite sad when reading thru the email. They cancelled the familyday due to the latest current situation! I think all staff looking forward for this event because all of us is totally tired and need some rest selepas bekerja 2 bulan tanpa cuti (no public holidays ok since june till august.. 31st august baru public holiday tau!)Huhuhu.. a bit frustated with the current situation. Ppl keep on blaming Petronas for the increasing of oil price. It's not us to be blame OKAY! Well me not mad with the management to cancel the trip because maybe they worried with our safety.
But when the reason of cancelling the trip is due to the current situation.. me terus bengang with org yg dok tuduh Petronas bukan2.

Honestly, since the oil price hike.. and semua isu2 psl subsidi minyak ni membuat kan me terus backing Petronas like hell. I even dpt this email yg diforwardkan among Petronas's staff written by Wan Normalissa from Syabas. This person senang2 je mengutuk2 staff Petronas sewenang2 nye. Ckp Petronas amik duit rakyat lah.. the same thing what other ppl think about Petronas.
Sedih bcause semua org tak tau yg betapa kami bekerja bagai nak rak. Yg kerja kat offshore n plant n kat mana2 lah semuanye terdedah dengan risky kematian. Ingat naik choppper tu selamat ke? Duduk kat plant tu selamat? Semuanye tu high risk. But all of us sanggup berkerja utk mencari minyak utk negara. But in return.. mcma ni lah kami semua kena.

Org tak tau kot yg kami ni bayar petrol, mcm org biasa gak. Bayar RM2.7o per liter . Mana dapat diskaun2 ni.. not like other oil&gas kompeni yg ada bg diskaun card for staff. Org ingat kami yg kerja kat KLCC ni hebat . Tp org tak tau.. kami staff pun kena bayar gak parking keta kl klcc ni. Mana ada dapat parking free kat Petronas Twin Towers ni eventhough name nye Petronas Twin Towers n staff petronas still kena bayar parking sendiri. Mana dapat subsidi.
Tp kompeni oil&gas lain ada lah gak bagi elaun parking or parking utk staff diaorg.

The conclusion is.. stop blaming us and Petronas for the increasing of petrol. Kami sesungguhnye bekerja utk negara gak. Kami pun sayang kan Malaysia. So dunt put the blame on us!


Salamz.... hari ni dapat MC for 2 days dari Dr Ashar.. hukhuk.. risau sbnrnye ni...Yesterday after lunch je rasa pain kat sebelah kiri ..which is Dr Emma said it could probably something related to the ovari .... sbnrnye pain ni dah rasa since last month. Mmg rasa bengkak sangat kat side kiri dekat area2 ovari tu lah kan. Mula2 ingat bley tahan.. then jumpe Dr kat Klinik Kita kat Tmn Cheras Perdana.. doktor bagi ubat suruh makan . Yang paling bestnye keesokkan harinya.. datang period.
So.. me buat my own conclusionlah kan.. maybe nak period kot that's why bengkak jer n rasa cramp2 sikit.

Tp, the same thing occured again this month. Eventhough dah hbs period still ada discharge. So, me still think positive lah.. terus g twin tower medical centre jumpe Dr Emma, then Dr Emma ckp.. u need to see gynea sbb benda2 ni kena jumpe diaorg terus. Then, me book my appoitment with Dr Ashar on ths 14th July. Ramai sgt org so tak dapat lah kan this week..But yesterday, the pain is much more worse lah kan... Terus call sayang n mtk tlg anta to Ampang Puteri..
Dengan membonceng motosikal nye terus g Ampang Puteri. Well actually sayang wanted to take a cab but me refused takut tak smpt jumpe Dr Ashar before 4pm.

At the clinic, me still think positive for what had happen kan.. masuk je bilik Dr Ashar, terus Dr scan.. but due to lack of urine tak berapa nampak lah pape pun.. huhu.. lupe plak nak minum air bebanyak sblm g jumpe Dr. Then bile masuk camera ikut bawah pun tak nmpk pape.. n mmg bleeding sikit lah masa masuk kamera tu.. He took some sample and suruh wat blood test. Huhuh..
He told me that takut mengandung luar rahim jer.. Huhuh.. harap semuanya ok..That's why me at home today and tomorrow.. need to take some rest.. and this coming thursday morning ada appoitment ngan Dr Ashar for the result..

Herm.. sebenarnye dlm hati ni tuhan je lah tau how i felt skrg ni. Tp malas nak pikir pape.. try to think positive yg semuanye Ok.. yer lah coz me dah wat pregancy test kat rumah, tp result negative. tak lah fikir pape sgtkan.. tp bila dah tetiba discharge lame sgts hukhuk.. tak tau lah ape nak cakap. Cuma dapat berdoa agar result hari Khamis ni, tak da benda yg merisaukan.. insya allah..

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Bbgs vs Pavilion

Last sunday we planned to bawa iman to Zoo Negara. Unfortunately pagi tu bila dah sampi je Zoo Negara ujan gerimis plak... Terus tak jadi turun n Iman pun tgh tido dlm kereta plak. Kesian kat Iman tak dapat g Zoo..hehhe bukannya apa.. bila buka je Animal Planet kat Astro mulut si kechik ni tak pernah diam. Excited tgk all the animals dlm tv to.. that's why lah kunun2 nye nak bawa si kechik iman g zoo.. tp last2 g great eastern mall kejap (tak smpi 1/3 hour pun) then shoot g Pavilion. Misi utama ialah untuk mencarik caddy or buggy for Iman. Stroller dia is too heavy nak dibawa ke sana sini .. lg pun iman dah setahun 3 bulan hari ni... so plan nak beli caddy senang nak angkut ke mana-mana pun.

Smpi je Pavillion mengingatkan kembali zaman skolah2 dulu.. The shopping complex location is used to be my skolah terchinta BBGS nye location. HUkhuk.. Seday sangat bcoz BBGS dah terkubur begitu sahaja.. I am proud to be BBGSian ! But now.. nak cerita kat anak2 in future pun susah .. yer lah takkan nak cakap that ibu used to be blaja kat BBGS. then sure my anak will ask me kat mana bbgs tu ibu. Huhuh..... sedih nye...dah jadi shopping mall lah skolah ibu.

I miz my zaman skolah so much... serius mana ada skolah yg suruh student dia basuh toilet ms waktu rehat kan? but it's cool what. Now i always make sure that my tandas kat rumah sentiasa bersih.. tak selera bila masuk je tandas2 awam tgk kotor semacam jer... hukhuk..

Eventhough konon2 Seri Bintang Utara adalah heritage of BBGS ..i dunt think that the skewl is = BBGS at all.

Okie.. gtg.. will cont' later ek with lots of pics to be post ... (gmbr budak kechik yg bernama Iman Irfan).. hhehe

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday was my Kak Long & Abg Own 2nd Anniversary! Today is me and my hubby 2nd Anniversary! Heheheh.. Kak long & Abg Own akad nikah on Friday nite , while me and my hubby akad nikah the next day 2 hours before the majlis kenduri two years ago.

Allhamdulillah both of us, me and my sista gave birth to handsome son last year jugak! Hahah.. Only 2 months different between Amirul & Iman.

Wah.. mcm tak percaya plak yer.. cepat rasanya masa berlalu. :)

Semuga dipanjangkan umur dah dimurahkan rezeki for all of us.. and semuga iman and amirul menjadi anak yg soleh kelak. :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nasi Ayam For Lunch

My tummy dah start berbunyi dah ni. Hungry.. almost 10 more minutes to 1pm. Ahaks. no wonder lapar perut ku ini. Ok.. based on my title above my lunch today is Nasi Ayam. Heheh.. given by En Nassar from meeting mana tah? Hehe.. Biasalah.. manager2 ni mana mau makan lunch pack. Heheh at least save my time n money nak beli lunch for today.

Talking about nasi ayam.. i have made nasi ayam last saturday! Hehehe.. ganas gile. Terlupa plak nak amik gambar. I have mention previously in my blog that i wanna cook nasi ayam kan last weekand. The out put is not that bad. But still need to improved more lah kan. Heheh.. Syg ckp the ayam ok.. nasik kurang masin sikit.. n the sambal hehe kena improved byk. Hahah.. tp memang makan besar last weekand. On saturday me cook nasik ayam. Makan nasik ayam smpi malam lah kan. Then, the next day masak char kuey tow.. hehuhuhuh.. tp terlebih bubuh kerang.. so dominen lah rasa kerang eventhough dah bubuh sotong n udang sekali pun.
While on monday, makan besar! Hahahha... makan je lah minggu lepas pun. Me cook siakap masak 3 rasa , sotong goreng.. udang goreng.. kailan masak sos tiram .. but lastly kena buang kailan tu sbb pahit giler.. hukhk. Nsb baik ada kacang buncis dlm peti so ape lagi la.. kelam kabut lah tukar menu plak. Hukhuk.

Kak long, abg own n little amirul mai umah for the makan besar. Lupe plak nak mention yg Nor (Yie's sista) ada kat rumah for the weekand. Nsb baik ada.. if not my little chef will help me 'a lot' while i'm cooking! Hahhaha.. Mmg best lah last weekand. Lepak2 kat rumah. Rehat2.. mmg best lah.

Actually, to tell the truth, i didnt cook much during zaman anak dara. Hehe.. Really.. Mama yg selalu masak including kak long. Me malas masak sbb .. if masak kena makan.. n if makan nanti badan gemuk.. ahahhah.. bley tak pakai teori ni.

Tp bile dah jadi isteri n ibu orang ni.. kena lah rajin2 kan diri masak masakan kegemaran suami kan. :) That's why if i have the oppurtunity to masak.. mmg nak sgt masak.. tp si kecik Iman kena lah ada org layan. If not he will be my assistance kat dapur kan...

Ok lah.. nak g makan dulu ni.. lapa dah perut... :)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

little boy

Ni lah gambar terbaru my son, iman irfan. Dah genap setahun sebulan dah budak kecik ni. I can't believe that he's already setahun. Time do travel fast. Tak sangka langsung. I use the same picture for my handphone's wall paper. So, bila busan2 tgk lah gmbr budak kecik ni..

Nway, today is my first day pergi gym tgh hari tadi. The result of this activity makes me feel so sleepy petang ni. Rasa nak tido je ni. Huhuh.. I have plan to stay until 6pm today .. but due to my tiredness condition i prefer to go back home sharp at 5pm.
Most probably drop by at cold storage to grap some ingredients for nasi ayam things. Hehehe..

I plan to cook nasi ayam this sunday. Hohoh. Never try to cook it for the past of my life. Ahaks. Semangat because Monday is holiday and Nor (Syukri's sista) gonna be around. so, she can take care of the little boy above! If not, nasi ayam tah kemana dah. heheh.

Ok, i wanna talk about this one incident that occured last monday, on the way to the office in the morning. Pagi tu otw to klcc dekat jln tun razak before smart tunnel exit, this stupid taxi keep on himpit us. Nampak gaya mcm nak masuk to the left but.. tak bagi pun signal. Then front of us ada nazaria and mmg mcm dah nak tersepit kitaorg kat tengah2 ni. Then syukri have to emergency break sbb dah tak leh nak gerak. The stupid taxi drive wat tak tau je.. Syukri quickly change to line and terus tendang the taxinye door. I do agreed with his action because i mmg dah terjatuh ke depan due to the emergency break! Then bila kitaorg terus kan perjalan, i turn back and the stupid taxi driver mcm nk baling screwdriver towards us. Bley tak? Disebabkan terlalu geram terus i wat sign languange tak da otak ke towards him. Moral of the story, was it to hard to give signal if you plan to change line? I noticed that most of malaysian driver seldom gave signal when they plan to change line. Gerrr.. Pity the bikers. eventhough we go the office by bike doesnt mean that we dont pay tax! So just treat us well too.
Hukhuk..ter emo plak petang2 nie. Hehehhe..
Yeay! almost 5pm. Time to go back! :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just have my lunch tadi.. bawak bekal dari rumah. Hikhik.. That's my mission now to avoid spending too much for the lunch in KLCC. Bercita-cita besar jugak nak masak everynite so that the next day bley bw bekal to office. Hermm.. harga barang dah makin naik sekarang ni. Roti pun dah naik from RM1.70 dah jadi RM2.00 for Gardenia plan bread. Bley tak? Just imagine, last sunday pergi beli barang2 rumah kat TESCO, and with RM1.50 i can get 5 ekor ikan kembung yg sebesar tapak tangan. Bila dipikir2 kan.. if makan kat luar je pun.. seekor ikan will cost me RM2.00. Huh! Banyak bley save kalau bawa bekal dari rumah ni.. it's just depands on us jugak lah.. kena rajin sikit masak kat rumah. Hahahha.. Btw, if i can save around RM10 perday.. wow.. bley lah simpan duit utk shoping2. Ahaks.

Ok, skrg ni teringin sangat tahap kebersihan dekat my apartment. Sebab tak tau nak mengadu kat mana dah. Nak mengadu kat MPKj tak tau mcmana procedur nye. Huhuh. Ok back to my story. My apartment is located between border or Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya and Majlis Perbandaran Kajang. I can see that worth lah dok bayar cukai pintu kat MPSJ sbb the kawasan sepanjang2 bawah jajahan MPSJ at my apartment memang bersih. Tiap2 hari akan ada perkerja yang akan menyapu di tepi2 jalan and because of this the road mmg nmpk clear dengan tak da daun2 kering bersepah-sepah kat tepi jalan. I memang kagum lah yg eventhough my apartment ni dah kira2 hujung2 kawasan MPSJ lah kan.

Totally berbeza dengan taman perumahan yg dibawah jajahan Majlis Perbandaran Kajang. Tension gak lah kan. Mmg ada perkerja yg akan memotong rumput dah jugak memotong dahan2 pokok yang besar tetapi... semua daun2 kering ni including the branches tidak dikutip dah dibuang! Hanya di longgokkan jer kat tepi jalan. Serius menyakitkan pemandangan mata lah jugakkan.. Dengan lampu jalannye tak berfungsi.. mmg nak tunggu ada orang mati or kena ragut dulu baru nak ambil tindakan kot! Ishihi.. I wonder lah kenapalah Majlis Perbandran Kajang ni tak tengok mcmana Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya ambil berat kebersihan kawasan mereka.

Sedih2.. hukhuk...

Oklah .. gtg now.. kejap lagi ada diskusi utk meeting this friday. :)

Btw gmbr kat atas tu gmbr iman with his cousin amirul masa kat ampang puteri melawat my dad yg masuk hospital.. :)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Tinggal lagi 2 hari jer lagi before masa mengundi. Sebenarnya ada banyak benda nak diluahkan dlm kepala ni psl pilihanraya ni. Hukhukhuk.. Terpanggil nak tulis dlm ni bila terbaca my friend Rafique post buletin dlm friendster. Dibesarkan dlm keluarga yg my Mama seorang anggota polis while my dad pesara tentera membuatkan me membesar dlm suasana yg betul2 pro kerajaan. Ingat lagi zaman muda2 dulu, time pilihanraya jer duduk menghadap tv lepas je masa mengundi tamat sambil bentang paper atas lantai. Paper yg ada nama2 calon semua tu. Then my mum start tanda result2 undi semua sbb nak tahu sape yg akan memerintah kerajaan. Begitulah semangatnya zaman budak2 dulu nak tahu sape yg menang dlm pilihanraya.

Now, it's time for me to mengundi. Undi adalah rahsia. Yer ker? Hehheh ? Entah lah. Percaya tak dah almost 3 weeks jugaklah tak tengok berita kat tv. Sbb tak tahan... kuat gile jek kerajaan tv ni. Most of the news asyik tunjuk satu pihak jer. Hermm.. radio pun sama dah skrg ni. Kata demokrasi. Huhuh kalau demokrasi bg lah sama rata tak peluang semua pihak melobi parti masing2. Ahaks. Diriku bukanlah UMNO, Keadilan or Pas. Tetapi diriku ini inginkan pembaharuan dlm pemerintahan negara sekarang ni. Cukuplah dengan harga barang yg start to naik sekarang ni. Minyak pun confirm akan naik. Bila minyak naik..maka akan naik lah semua barang2.

Kadang2 bila memikirkan harga barang akan naik.. mcmana org2 yg berpendapatan rendah yer. Kesian kat diaorg. Indeks jenayah confirm akan naik sbb kalau semua barang akan naik lepas ni.. akan membuat kan org terdesak membuat sesuatu perkara agar dpt meneruskan kehidupan. Bayangkan org yg berpendapatan rendah yg ada anak ramai.. dengan tmbg bas sekolahnye.. ngan yuran sekolahnye... ishhhs.. tak tau lah apa nak dicakapkan.

Bukanlah nak menuduh jari ke apa. Tapi kenapa setiap kali nak pilihanraya jer terus semua benda dibuat contoh nya kat area my house ni. Main road kat depan tu dah teruk sgt berlubang.. dan dan jer dah nak dekat pilihanraya ni buat jalan baru. Hermm kenapa sblm ni tak buat pun. Tu yg mmg kan hati ni geram sgts. All the menteris adalah WAKIL KEPADA RAKYAT. So apa kata elaun gaji wakil rakyat tu di kurangkan lepas tu bley lah bantu rakyat dalam negara kita yg susah ni kan. Sedih sbnrnye sbb still ada lagi rakyat Malaysia yg masih lagi merempat dalam negara sendiri. Orang kaya semakin kaya.. org miskin bertambah miskin..

So sesapa yang boleh mengundi tu..buat lah pilihan yg bijak. Bila terdengar iklan dlm radio otw balik dari opis ptg tadi.. "kenapa kita kena tukar pemerintahan bila pihak yg memerintah telah melakukan terbaik".. something like that lah ayat dia.. membuat kan diri ni terpikir balik.. kekadang bila kita dah lama sangat di situasi yg selesa, kita tidak akan mendengar nasihat dari siapa2 pun sbb kita ingat kita dah habis pandai. Walhal.. sepatutnya kita dengar nasihat org sbb org nmpk apa yg kita tak nampak coz kita dah lama sangat dlm zon selesa kita ...

Oklah ..sebenarnya nak smbg cerita trips to singapore sbnrnye. Tp sbb tak transfer lagi gambar Iman dlm laptop soo tak dpt nak post the pictures. Maybe tomorrow kot post the pictures. hehhe

Friday, February 29, 2008

mari bercuti-cuti

Dah almost two days dah bercuti-cuti di singapore ni. Hikhik... Rasa mcm relax giler walaupun penat berjalan-jalan kat orchard road ni. Which is betul2 'berjalan' bukannya berjalan bersantai2 ok. Actually, syg ada kerja kat singapore no for the whole week. Then syg ajak me and Iman turun singapore sekali jalan-jalan di singapore. So, i took 2 days AL. Nsb baik my bos bg amik cuti. Org kat opis dok sibuk siapkan LBSF but completed all lbfs for everyone one monday except for LBFS T je lah. Itu pun for my bos dah siap tinggal lagi satu je tak wat lagi. No idea what to write for my other senior tu. Nway dunt wanna talk about that. I wanna talk about our trip to singapore with the little one!

We went to spore with airasia on last tuesday. Our flight were at 1950 hrs. I was a bit worried lah sbb first time travel with Iman lah kan. Selalunya ibu tak risau sgt if ayah ada. So kalau iman boring2, ayah will entertain you. But luckly Iman tak lah wat perangai sangat ms travelling tu. Cuma otw g lcct jer iman dah start merengek2. Boring kot sbb dok lama sangat dlm taxi. Ibu tak tau how to pujuk u from nagging. Then i realised that i bought some mango Heinz for you. When i took it out from my bag, then you stop nagging. Rupe2 nye u still recongnized the bottle. Ibu pun suap sikit to iman. Iman mmg suka sangat this mango flavoure. Tp tak hbslah, juz nak kasi iman tak nagging2 sgts. Smpi jer airport, terus check-in. Then went straight to departure hall. Malas nak dok lama2 kat luar takut Iman starts boring. Karang bila start nangis sure Ibu menggelabah nye. We hang out kat this coffee shop. Ibu bought dougnut for u and tuna pie for ibu. Bg iman makan sbb takut iman lapar nanti dlm flite. We started to beratur at 1920 hrs. Ibu terlambat beratur sbb ingat lama lagi. Walhal dah ramai org beratur. So, tak jadilah strategi ibu wanna que depan. Sbb dah lama sgt duduk dlm stroller, u started to cried. Hermm dah lah dah nak masuk. Ibu understood that iman boring asyik dari tadi duduk dlm stroller kan. So ibu dukung iman kejap.. konon2 nye nak pujuk2 lah sikit kan, Then when started to moved, iman dah tak nak duduk dlm stroller. Ya allah punya susah ibu nak tolak stroller lagi, dengan dukung iman lagi. perghh.. dah lah smpi kat plane, kena lipat stroller iman lagi smbil dukung iman. Huhuh.. tp allahamdulillah our journey to spore Iman tak lah buat perangai. Hhehhe.. mmg bagus anak ibu ni. Yer lah bak kata nenek, Iman kan dah biasa naik flite balik kampung. Balik kampung ayah ada. So, kalau iman boring2, ayah bley main dengan iman kan... hhehe
That's the story of the journey from LCCT to Spore.

Now, yesterday, mmg penat giler. Huhu rs mcm nak tercabut nye kaki ni haa.. ada adegan berlari pantas lagi smlm hehhe lari dari hujan. Pagi semalam, ayah went to the office dulu. Tinggallah Iman with Ibu kat apartment. Ayah asked ibu to hantar baju kotor ke dobi dulu. So pagi smlm, around 930 we went to the dobi just around the corner from our apartment. Lupe plak nak bagi tau yang apartment kiteorg dekat je ngan Orchard Road. Ayah mmg pilih duduk sini so senang Ibu nak g window shopping kat orchard. Ahaks..window sopping nyer.. After hantar baju, then ibu n iman walked straight to Orchard Road. Hermm.. tak tau gak nak pergi mana. So ibu pun just went to Orchard Plaza.. kot yang ada Robinson. Before start jalan2 hang out kejap kat coffeebean. Ibu order caramel iceblended yg mmg favourite ibu with apple muffin kononnye for Iman lah kan. The price is around 6 dollar sumeting for iceblended. Almost the same wit the price in KL. Sbnenye nak wat susu iman, so segan nak mtk hot water jer sbb tu lah terbeli ice blended sekali tu. Hahhaha. ibu kena blajar dari ayah lagi ni nak wat muka tak de perasaan mtk air panas kat kedai2 gara2 Iman nak wat susu. hehhe.. Lepas dah puas iman main2 kejap kat coffeebean, then terus start pusing2 dlm orchard plaza ni. My mission kat sini nak tgk corelle sebenarnye. Read thru internet diaorg ckp herga kat sini quite murah compared to Langkawi. So just tgk2 lah betul ke tak. Smpi je kat bghn rumah, terus carik corelle. Wow! mmg murah lah kat robinson ni. Cwn corelle yg europian herbs cuma 12 dollar je each. Kalu convert to RM pun less then RM48 kat isetan n parkson klcc. Mmg betul murah lah ek kat sini. Then tgk the one set of corelle europen herbs sbb kat rumah i have already one set. So ingat nk tmbh lah lagi one set. Harga dia dlm 190 dollar jer . Ishh murah tul. One set corelle pun dlm RM500 ++ kt kl. Tgh sibuk2 jln dlm Robinson ayah called. Suruh balik hotel dulu sbb ayah otw dari office to apartment. So, both of us pun balik apartment dulu.

After lunch, we started to explored Orchard Road. Mula2 g Paragon Shopping Complex.Pusing2 tak de benda yg best. Ala2 Pavillion je Mall ni. Then went to Takashima. Terus je g floor brg2 rumah. Ibu pun terus lah g carik corelle. Mmg murah lah corelle kat sini. Cawan je dlm 11.50 dollar murah 50 cent dari RObinson. Tp mmg murah lah dari KL. Dinner plate plak 12 dollar jer utk European herbs. While corelle yg kaler putih cuma 7.90 dollar jer. Huhuhuh murah nye. Tp ibu tak beli lagi lah kan sbb memikirkan nak g jln2 tmpt lain lagi. Ayah jer belikan utk Atuk pisau . Around 78 dollar sin the knive. Mmg atuk dah lama nak carik pisau ni. Kat kl dlm RM200++. Lepas je pusing2 Takashima lame gak kat sini sbb iman tertido dlm stroller. So kiteorg pun just bg iman tido lame2 sikit. Bila iman dah bangun je we continued our journey to Cityhall. Naik mrt. Sepanjang2 stay kat spore ni mmg bersih betul lah kat sini. mrt dia mmg effisen giler compared to putra kite. hermm.. kan bagus lah start n putra lrt kita punctual mcm mrt ni. huhuh.. mmg org guna pengangkutan awam lah. Lepas je pusing kat area cityhall g Esplande plak. Hirup udara luar plak lah. Jejalan kat sekitar2 Esplande. Tgh jalan2 kat luar ni ibu perasaan yg cuaca mcm nak ujan jer. Huhuh cepat2 kiteorg fast walk towards 'Singa Kuar Air ikut mulut'. Trademark spore tu. hheee.... berlari2 pantas gak lah. Sbb ujan dah nak turun. Payung plak tak bw. Risau nanti basah Iman kena ujan. Kiteorg kena ujan tak kesah sangats. Dlm 7.30pm kiteorg starts jalan towards mrt to Lanson Place. Iman pun dah nak start moody2 sbb dah lama sgts duduk dlm stroller. Smpi jer aprtment, terus je mandikan iman n lepas tu iman dah starts ngantuk2. Ibu pun tido kan iman smpi tertido..... hehhe.. tp mmg penat gilelah smlm. Jauh gile berjalan. huhuhu...... ..

Monday, February 25, 2008

Tired & Dizzinessss

Tiba2 jer rasa the heart is pumping fast... huhuh.. wondering what caused this thing happen. Maybe too tired kot. Huhuhu.. Mungkin yea.. :( Last weekand ada water distruption (betul ke spellin ni.. heh) Kelam kabut jadinya last weekand. On saturday tak da specific plan nak buat pun. So pagi tu basuh all the baju kotor and swipe all the dust lah kan as normal. Then, ayah decided nak pergi try pukul2 bola kat driving range (betul ke ni ekk.. bunyi mcm ok je.. ahaks) with the bosses. He asked me to follow him together with Iman. But i dunt feel like going la kan.. tak larat nak dok situ wpun ada perasaan nak try pukul2 pun. Hikhikhik.. kesian plak kat iman nanti sure busan dok kat situ. Due to the water distruption, i went to Kak Long' s house kat sg besi. Lepak2 with my sista n my little nephew yg tua 2 bulan dari iman. heheh.. seronoks jugak watched them playing heheh.. selalunya at home iman main sorang2 je n ajak ibu and ayah teman main sekali. Hang out ngan kak long for almost 3 hours gak.. Hoping that petang tu ada lah air kan.. Smpi je umah.. hermm nmpk 2 lori SYABAS ada kat rumah pumping the water to the water tank. Tp naik2 je umah checked tak da air. Then ayah ajak ibu and iman g putraja jejalan kat masjid putrajaya. Thinking of tak da air kat rumah then we went to putrajaya.

We went back after magrib prayer. Naik je rumah checked the tap.. mmg ada air except that the pressure a bit slow compared to normal. So just assumed ok je lah kot . Well because of the assumption that we made, wahla.. midnite je suddenly tak de air again! Huh.. dah lah tak sempat nak simpan air mlm tu we decided pergi rumah Long for mandi on Sunday. Perghh penat gak lah hari tu. Lepak2 kat rumah Long smpi 12pm then balik rumah. Nsb baik ada air sikit. So quickly lah tadah air dlm semua baldi yg ada kat rumah.. ( hheeehee ada 3 baldi jer pun). Petang tu plak flite syg g spore so after anta syg to ERL tinggal me and iman. Kesian Iman dah lah selsema.. langsung tak selesa dibuatnya. Asyik merengek2 je last nite. Pity him.

Bila iman dah tidur, then quickly kemas2 baju iman and simpan all the baju yg dah dilipat. Buang sampah because ada bahan basah. When the clock struck 12am baru tido. Then around 4 ++ am Iman bangun. Maybe tak selesa kot nak tido sbb hidung tersumbat. Kesian sgts kat iman, around 5am baru dapat tido balik. I woke up at 5.45am this morning. Nak siap awal2 and nak kuar rumah awal. Tak larat nak menghadap traffic jammm.. Huhuhu. And now rasa kepala dah pening2 sikit dah. Ishh need to take the ubat. Tinggal me and Iman je kat rumah, susah if sakit. Nanti tak de sape nak entertain si budak kecik yg bernama Iman Irfan... :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pekerja Rajin Tahunan

Ahaks.. Hari ni hari yang 3 berada di office pada pukul 6.53 pm. Huhuhuh.. 2 more days left for completing the works for this cycle 2007/2008? Duhhh mcm dpt completekan ajer kerja2 ni semua. Huhuhu.. ohjectives mmg gempak.. unfortunately.. if i completed all the tasks.. Horaayy sure PPA dapat 2.. Kuang,,kuang.. kuang.. :)

I dunt ask for 2 ..3 for PPA pun dah syukur sangats... If tak dapat 3 taun ni tak de increment.. tak da bonus.. huhuhu.. seday ooOOOo..

Tak da bonus tak dapat membeli belah untuk Iman, me n also famili... waaaa....

Ishh i think i almost becoming a zombie rite now.. hahhaa.. the brain cannot tolerate anymore with the data and information. But the tasks need to be done.. damned i hate PPA.

Hubby is on leave today. Bz sending the car for the inspection at Puspakom. I'm quite jelous(betul ka eja ni..) sbb CUTI.. Serious, after completing the PPA stuff i wanna go fo a holidays!

Oklah..btr stop now before me starts talking nonsense here...

Nak balik rumah.. rindu kat Iman.... huhuhuhu ....

Monday, February 11, 2008

11th Feb 2008

Hello there...

At last now i can post the latest news in the blog after a year blogspot being blocked by the IT administration. Wonder why now they unblocked it? Unfortunately, the site that i normally used to surf to friendster being blocked by them.. (sigh). Nway, the gud news is , now i can jot down sumething in the blog while doing the WORKS at the office especially after office hours.

Last weekand we went back to Marang during the Chinese New Year holidays and had a wonderful time at kampung. We went back on Thursday early in the morning. I really mean early in the morning 2.30am from Belimbing Heights Apartment and reached Bukit Gasing, Marang at 8.00 am. The journey was fined. Iman slept very well during the journey. Hikhik.. I was so excited when going back to Marang. I don't feel any guilty spending on buying foods and stuff here. The foods were totally cheap and you can get kuih RM1 for 5 pieces ok.. With that price in KL you can only get 3 pieces of kuih. The latest news i heard is in KL they sold one piece of kuih for the price of 40 sen. Perghh.. damned the living cost in KL is totally expensive. I wonder how others whose have smaller income with a big family live in KL. Huhuhu
We stayed in kampung for 3 days and bertolak back to KL on Monday morning aroung 2am. Allahamdulillah, selamat sampai KL aroung 6.30 am.

That is the end of my journey to Marang. Hehhehe..

Sebenarnya a bit tired already starring at the monitor. I need to come out with 3 time maps and 3 depth maps for my interpretation. waaaa... my eyes already gave signal that it needs a break!

That is why i'm mumbling in the blog for a while. Heheheh.. btw it has been a year tak up date the blog. Kinda miz my baby boy. But need to struggle a bit for this week to complete the job! If not NO BONUS & NO INCREMENT for me THIS year! Waaaa.... tak bley oOOOOo.. mau beli langsir baru untuk rumah.. mau bayar utang PTPTN lagi.. mau beli barang2 untuk Iman Irfan...& shopping for my self tooo! Huhuhuhuhh

Last but not least before nak pergi solat asar ni.. Congratulations to Azah& Yus coz dapat baby girl yesterday. Sophie if i'm not mistaken her name and not to forget to Mas & Hairi, congratulations on your wedding! Sorry can't make it because terlalu penat semalam sbb baru smpi dari kampung. Ok lah here i post some of the latest pictures of my little one... :) (not that latest lah jugak...)